Parish Committees

The St. Luke’s Leadership Team, formed in February 2016 by Fr. Joseph, is a team of parishioners who meet to discuss matters relating to the parish, act as an advisory group to Fr. Joseph and also offer support to all other groups in the parish. The focus of the SLLT is to embed the St. Luke’s 2020 Vision into all that we do across the parish and to enrich and re-energise our parish community.
Fr. Joseph Amal, Kaye Edgell, Denham Harvie, Amanda Freeman, Gerard Porter, Chris Williams, Franka Waters, Julie Crowe.
The role of the Finance Committee is to assist the Parish Priest in his tasks of administering the parish Finances, maintaining the parish properties, planning for the future capital works and raising the necessary funds.
Members of the Parish Finance Committee are appointed by the Parish Priest for a term of three years. members maybe reappointed but some changes of the membership is to take place every three years.
Members of the Finance Committee are to be honest, known for their integrity and actively committed to the practice of the faith.
The Parish Priest may either chair the meeting personally or may invite the Finance Committee to elect a chairman. Meetings must be held at least every three months and may be held more often at the discretion of the Parish Priest.
Duties of the Finance Committee are to assist the Parish Priest in Preparation of an annual budget of income and expenditure for the coming year. Preparation of an annual report to the parishioners concerning parish finances. Preparation in the long term cash flow estimates to provide for future capital works and major maintenance requirements. Identifying and managing areas of risk to the financial viability of the parish. Conduct a review of all parish insurances annually . Ongoing review and management of monthly income and expenses .
Fr. Joseph Amal, Gerard Porter, Aloysius De Almeida, John Bonato, Chris Williams, Yvonne Hart.
The Socio-Pastoral team was initiated by inviting the leaders of all current groups to come together as a team. The purpose of the team is to create an avenue of communications between parish groups and the wider parish community and also discuss parish issues. The co-ordination team has the opportunity to become a vibrant, spirit –inspired group, great for fresh ideas and illustrative of a dynamic Parish.
Catechist: Maria Bonato Take Mary Home: Rosy Paul Altar Servers: Chris Manchee Knox Deanery: Kaye Edgell Choir/Music Group: Genevieve Bourke and Christine Fritz Friendship Group: Pat Norman and Maria Bonato Memorial Garden: Sandra Hayden SVDP/Piety Stall: Christina Williams Baptism Team: Franka Waters Finance Team: Chris Williams Leadership Team: Chris Williams Divine Mercy Group: Tina Mayhill Club 45: Marilynne Sontag - MAINTENANCE TEAM
Fr. Joseph Amal, Gerard Porter, Chris Williams, John Bonato, Tom Wong.