
Second Sunday of Lent

Sunday 16th March 2025

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That you may Believe!

Our belief in the teachings and resurrection of Jesus prompts us to be a part of the Christian community.

In turn, our experience of Christian community strengthens our faith.

It was only when Thomas was with the other disciples that he met the risen Christ and came to believe in him. It is a simple truth that faith builds community and community builds faith.



To make St Luke’s a COVID safe place for everyone, the following recommendations are being implemented with your cooperation and understanding. We ask that everyone takes responsibility and adheres to these recommendations.

  1. Face coverings remain optional within Places of Worship. However, parishioners are strongly encouraged to be sensitive to the wellbeing of others when in close proximity.
  2. Maintain a 1.5 metre distance from others where possible, when taking your seat in the Church and at Holy Communion.
  3. Sanitize your hands upon entering the foyer and before receiving Holy Communion.
  4. Please be courteous to others by staying at home when you feel unwell.

Should you choose to EFT your Thanksgiving and First Collection contributions:
First Collection (for the Parish House) - BSB: 083347 Account number: 637461322
Second Collection (for the Church) - BSB: 083347 Account number: 637462683

Mass Streamed Live From St. Patrick's Cathedral

Mass For You At Home is broadcast on free to air Network 10 on Sunday mornings at 6:00am and replayed on Foxtel's Aurora channel later in the morning and during the week.

Online Masses and Other resources


Weekend Masses
Saturday: 6:30pm
Sunday: 8:30am
Sunday: 10:00am
Weekday Masses
Monday: No Mass
(Holy Mass, Novena Devotion to St. Anthony, Eucharistic Adoration, Confession and Benediction)
(Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary and Holy Mass)
(Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary and Holy Mass)
During Fr. Joseph's absence Masses on Thursdays and Fridays will be at 8:00am.
(Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary and Holy Mass)
Devotion To St. Anthony

Every Tuesday after 7:00pm Mass.

Divine Mercy Chaplet

Parishioners have expressed an interest in reciting the Divine Mercy Chaplet.

On the 1st Sunday of the month.

Our next Chaplet will be on
Sunday 6 Apr 2025 after the 8:30am Mass.

Join in a beautiful prayer time.

Saturday:9:30am & 6:00pm
(Also before weekday Masses if requested and anytime at your request)
Holy Rosary
On Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 8:30am, half an hour before morning Mass.

Everyone is invited to participate.

Celebrated on the 2nd & 4th Sundays after the 10:00am Mass
By appointment at least six months in advance of the wedding date.
Stations of the Cross

Every Friday at 7:00pm during Lent.

Come and join us walk the Way of Sorrows meditating on the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus said to St. Faustina:

"There is more merit to one hour of meditation on My sorrowful Passion than there is to a whole year of flagellation that draws blood; the contemplation of My painful wounds is of great profit to you, and it brings Me great joy."

(Compiled by Bishop Peter J. Elliott Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus, Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne)


Lord Jesus Christ, our true physician and healer,
be merciful to us and bring us your aid in these troubled times.
Heal all our sickness and every affliction of your people.
Drive out our infirmities of soul and body; free us from all disease and especially from this pestilence.
We place in your gentle Heart the elderly, the frail, people with disability, children, young people and families,
our indigenous peoples, those who are poor, lonely and isolated.
As you walk with us, free them from fear, and give them patience and hope together with our loving care.
In your mercy deal also with the causes of our pitiful condition, that in curing our lack of faith and spiritual weakness,
you may also remedy our bodily ills.
We place our trust in you, the risen Lord, who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

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