St Luke's Parish Prayer

Renew within us the gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, Right Judgement, Courage, Knowledge, Reverence and the Spirit of Wonder and Awe in God's presence.
May these enable us to support each other through our Parish Leadership Ministry, so that in all things, our families and Parish will be true vessels of grace and peace.
Keep us all united in charity, the fruit of our prayer, for the welfare of our Parish of St Luke.

St Luke's Parish Logo
The distinctive cross – St Luke – the parish patron.
The bricks, interdependent and built upon one another, stand for ourselves as individuals as differently talented, forming the Body of Christ at Wantirna.
The overall picture is the Cross of Christ, for it is in dying to ourselves that we rise to new life in Christ, through others – in giving we receive.
Spaces in between the bricks represent space allowing the Spirit to move among us in growth and freedom.