St. Luke's 2020 / Refurbishment
Let’s Join Hands Together For St Luke’s 2020!!
God's LOVE walked into our human world through the incarnation of Jesus Christ in simplicity and humility. This spiritual process was to enlighten all of us about the utmost necessity of the DIVINE in our lives through daily and meaningful FAITH exhibited in generosity through loving service. The true meaning of Christmas is not in the quantity of PRESENTS either we donate or receive, but more importantly it is in the QUALITATIVE PRESENCE of baby JESUS in each one of us and in our Faith community!
The Love explosion of Jesus Christ through the incarnation process begun 2000 years ago, which has also guided our St. Luke's community for the past 45 years, be ever more alive and vibrant. Let's rejoice!! We have a constant commitment and a continual challenge to entrust this into the lives of our children and our young people. I most humbly invite every one of you to be part of the process in creating St. LUKE's 2020. May every group and all the Pastoral, liturgical, catechetical and economical planning be a a great source of rejuvenation and revitalizations of our wonderful St. Luke's family!!
May the Divine Blessings of Baby Jesus fill every moment with success and serenity in abundance!!
Lovingly your shepherd Servant,
Fr. Joseph Amal SDB.
Our church has been in much need of maintenance works for some time to repair aging items and to generally upgrade our internal environment. The Finance and Refurbishment teams have been deliberating over many months to identify what is needed to maintain our buildings and fixtures to ensure that we can continue to celebrate our liturgies, enjoy our surroundings and sustain the economic life of the building.
The teams have considered all these needs and reflected on how best to get these updates done. The items discussed and identified were collated into a wish list and then prioritised according to what is needed to be undertaken in the short term. The proposed refurbishment items were also presented to the Parish Community at the parish meeting held on 6 March 2016.
The priorities include updating the church’s carpet and the floor coverings of the Altar, foyer and toilets, Altar background, re-upholstering our seats; painting and some other minor works. In addition, we have already completed some repair work to the church’s roof with further works planned as the need arises.
A plan of works has been prepared to identify the scope of what is needed and Greg Chatelier, a professional Architect, has generously donated his time and expertise to develop this scope for our parish along with advice on samples and costings.
On 5 July 2016, the Refurbishment (SLRT) and Finance (SLFT) teams met with the Leadership (SLLT) and Socio-Pastoral (SLSPCT) teams to look at colour samples of finishes proposed for the maintenance works. The teams narrowed down the choices and finished up with 3 combinations of finishes and colours which are displayed in Church foyer.
In subsequent weeks parishioners were then invited to view the three combinations and provide feedback that was very much appreciated. In the following weeks, parishioners were able to vote for their preferred combination.
20 April 2018
Parish Centre
Work is complete on the Parish Centre floor. Feel free to have a look.
- Church exterior painting to commence on Monday 23rd April. It will take approximately 2 weeks.
- Work continues on the courtyards.
Alf Norman - Finance Committee
13 April 2018
Parish Centre
- Work continues on the Parish Centre floor and will be completed by the end of next week.
- Access to the Parish Centre will remain closed this week.
- All the garden areas around the exterior of the church have been pruned and rubbish removed in preparation for the painting to commence this week. Thanks to 2 days working bee by Michael Cameron, David Pahor and Alf Norman.
- It has been decided that the original grey wall colour will remain and we will review the upper walls colour after they have been washed down at the commencement of the project. The proposal is to review the cream colour and either tint it to a lighter or deeper cream.
Church and Parish Centre courtyards
Work has commenced on these areas and will progress over the coming week. If you have some spare time and are able to help with the project or general church maintenance work, please let me know.
Alf Norman - Finance Committee
6 April 2018
Following the exciting news on the receipt of the Stronger Community Grant of $10,000, the work to improve the interior of the Parish Centre has commenced this week.Parish Centre
- New bench tops in the kitchen installed.
- Reverse cycle heating and cooling installed.
- Upgrade of lighting.
- Exhaust fans installed in the toilets.
- Next week the parish centre floor will be repaired, sanded and polished.
- Access to the parish centre will be closed all week.
Church exterior painting work will commence on Monday 16th April.
Alf Norman - Finance Committee
22 October 2017
Whilst there has been a lull in recent activities on completing the church refurbishment, planning has still been going on behind the scenes:- Yes, the Altar back drop lighting is still on the way.
- Yes, the blue area above the top of the altar curtains will be rectified. (Just waiting for my wings to grow a little more to get up that height).
- Quotes are all in for the painting of the exterior of the church. These quotes will require an extensive review over the coming weeks.
- Quotes for the driveway upgrade and additional parking have been received, but still to be analyzed.
- Quotes for the repair of our constant banging church entry doors have been received and approved for action. Work will commence during the next couple of weeks.
- Relocation of St. Vinnies will also commence shortly.
- The tiling around the candle bar will also be done in the coming weeks.
- We are still looking for ideas on the landscaping around the outside courtyard area.
Alf Norman
20 Aug 2017
Over the next couple of weeks, we will be progressively finishing off a list of items to complete the interior of the Church, including the Altar backdrop and finishing of the Church foyer.New projects are underway on the upgrading of the car parking and the area surrounding the new courtyard. Plans of the layout will be put on display when available.
Thank you once again for your support and for the great response last weekend at the Thanksgiving Mass and Church blessing. Also thank you for bringing food for the gathering after Mass.
The article on the Church blessing and Thanksgiving Mass is now on the Melbourne Catholic website:
and on the parish time line page.
Thank you to Chris Williams for her wonderful penmanship on preparing the article and to David Pahor for the beautiful photos.
Week 12, 13 Aug 2017
The last Mass in the parish centre was held on Tuesday morning, 8 August 2017.Thank you to all the volunteers who helped relocate the church from the parish centre back to the refurbished church on Tuesday and Wednesday, making it ready for the first Mass in our refurbished church on Wednesday evening, 9 August 2017.
The re-opening of the church and Thanksgiving Mass was held on Saturday 12 August 2017 at 6:30pm. The Mass was celebrated by Most Rev. Archbishop Denis Hart and con-celebrated by our parish priest, Fr. Joseph Amal, SDB.
Week 11, 6 Aug 2017
This week quite a lot was accomplished despite the bad weather late in the week:- Andre Stallbaum and Gerry Paldano set up the new audio system in the church.
- The Cross built from the original tree was transferred to the courtyard and mounted.
- The Crucifix inside the church was mounted onto the new frame behind the altar.
- The plumbing in the toilets and kitchen was completed except for the kitchen's hot water heater. It should be installed next week.
- The artwork on the large glass panels behind the courtyard cross was washed off in order to provide a clear view of the courtyard from the foyer and from inside the church.
- The preparation work for the courtyard tiling was completed.
Mass in the parish centre will cease following the 9:00am Mass on Tuesday 8 August and relocate to the church for Wednesday evening Mass on 9 August.
A Working Bee will be held on Sunday 6 August following the 10:00am Mass. Your help to clean up around the driveway and outside the church would be very much appreciated.
Please note, the 5:30pm Sunday Mass will cease after the 5:30pm Mass on Sunday 6 August.
Week 10, 30 July 2017
Work will come to completion at the end of this week (weather permitting for the tiling in the courtyard).Mass in the parish centre will cease following the 9:00am Mass on Tuesday 8 August and relocate to the church for Wednesday evening Mass on 9 August.
A Working Bee will be held on Sunday 6 August following the 10:00am Mass. Your help to clean up around the driveway and outside the church would be very much appreciated.
Please note, the 5:30pm Sunday Mass will cease after the 5:30pm Mass on Sunday 6 August.
Week 9, 23 July 2017
The wet weather caused a few delays this week. Work is now scheduled to be completed by Wednesday 26 July.The seating has been delivered and put into place.
The concrete for the footing for the courtyard cross has been poured.
We need the help of six men on Sunday following the 10:00am Mass to bring back the wooden pews from the school.
Your assistance would be very much appreciated.
Week 8, 16 July 2017
We expect the refurbishment project to come to a conclusion at the end of next week, weather permitting.Planning for the move back into the Church is now underway.
Three key dates where we require assistance:
- Thursday 20 July following the 9:00am Mass for window cleaning.
- Friday 21 July following the 9:00am Mass.
- Sunday 23 July following the 10:00am Mass.
Please add you names in the list in the foyer.
Week 7, 9 July 2017
Another progressive week has been achieved. The carpet laying has been completed, tiling will be finished by mid week and the installation of the lighting has commenced.Work on the new Altar backdrop will start this week concluding with the relocating of the cross to the centre of the Altar backdrop.
The exterior St Luke’s sign will be installed on the second level above the Maple garden this week.
Work on the courtyard will resume as soon as we receive the engineering drawings for the installation of the cross.
This week we will commence planning the move back into the church.
Week 6, 2 July 2017
Steady progress has been made this week.- The cracked window panel in the foyer has been replaced.
- The kitchen has been installed.
- The foyer floor has been prepared ready for the tiles to be laid. The tiles have been delivered.
- Painting of the ceiling of the church has been completed.
- The removal of the carpet has commenced and work will continue all day Saturday.
- The electricians will be putting in the new lighting all day Saturday.
- The cross for the courtyard has been built. Thanks to our very generous parishioner Mark Murphy and Andre Stallbaum who formed a brilliant exhibition of craftsmanship.
- Preparation for the erection of the Cross in the courtyard will get underway next week.
Week 5, 25 June 2017
- The floor grinding in preparation for the laying of the tiles was completed.
- The installation of the kitchen cupboards commenced.
- The interior painting is still in progress.
- The courtyard concreting/drainage commenced.
What’s on next week:
- Laying of tiles in the church foyer and Altar will commence.
- Removal of the carpet in preparation for laying of the new carpet.
- The Church interior walls to be cleaned.
- Progressive work on electrical.
We have now reached the stage where we are confident that the refurbishment program will be completed by mid July.
Week 4, 18 June 2017
- The floor tiles removal has been completed.
- The floor grinding to remove excess glue etc off the floor to be completed over the weekend.
- The interior painting has commenced and will be completed during the coming week.
Once all this week has been completed, the work will then commence on the floor tiling and carpet removal.
What will happen next:
- The Church interior walls to be cleaned this week.
- The kitchen will be installed this week.
- The courtyard concreting will start this week.
Week 3, 11 June 2017
There has been a delay on the drainage to be installed in the courtyard. However, lots has happened behind the scene since the renovation started, i.e: the kitchen is being made, the design for the church sign has been completed and the seating upgrade is currently in progress and coming along well.The designs for the support requirements for the relocation of the cross to the Altar area and the cross for the courtyard have been completed. Our special thanks to Des Dineen for his assistance.
The work on removing the floor tiles from the foyer and the Altar area has commenced and is expected to finish next week.
We are looking for ideas from parishioners on how we design the area outside the parish centre. The traffic flow, disabled parking area, garden, shrubs in pots are just a few ideas being considered. Your input would be very much appreciated. Please email the parish office your ideas. Work on this area will commence following completion of the church renovations.
This coming week we should see the removal of floor tiles completed and the interior painting of the roof get underway.
Week 2, 4 June 2017
Wet weather has made it look more like a construction site, but work has been able to continue.- The new proposed courtyard in front of the Parish Centre has now been leveled out and now we have to consider ideas for how we want use this area. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Please email your thoughts to the parish office. - The excavation work is completed in front of the church and the new drainage in this area will commence next week.
- Work has commenced on preparing the formation of the cross for the front of the church.
- Preparation of the design and location of the "ST.LUKE’S CATHOLIC CHURCH" sign on the second level of the church fascia has commenced.
- Work on the interior of the church will commence next week.
Week 1, 28 May 2017
Here we are at the end of week one with minor works in progress:- The kitchen area has had all the cupboards removed.
- The hanging lights in the church have been removed.
- The garden beds in front of the church and parish centre are in the process of being excavated.
What’s happening this week:
- Interior painting to commence
- Installation of kitchen joinery
21 May 2017
As of Tuesday 23 May, the builders will take control of the Church grounds and will remain in control of the site until completion of the refurbishment project.
Access will only be available to the site by signing the contractors register located in the parish office.
Please note, the only people allowed on site are the approved contractors.
We ask all parishioners and visitors to abide by this instruction.
14 May 2017
Tree Removal
The removal of trees has now reached its completion. Thank you to everyone who assisted, especially Chris Williams and Michael Cameron for coordinating this project very well from getting the permit from the Knox council, dealing with the contractors to clearing up.
Thank you to everyone who submitted suggestions and ideas. It has been decided that the timber will be carved into a Cross and St Luke’s statue. Thanks to Mark Murphy and Daphne Cheah for liaising with the sculptors.
Thank You
A big thank you to all the enthusiastic volunteers who helped with the move last Sunday. Despite the showers and a little rain, we were able to move out our church’s furnishings and items to be stored in the School as well as set up our temporary Church in the Parish Centre for our Mass celebrations. Your help and efforts were very much appreciated. It was great to see the buzz and excitement as we prepared for the upcoming works. we hope that our move to the Parish Centre has been seamless and look forward to celebrating our Masses there over the next few weeks.
Refurbishment Works Update
After months of planning and discussions, we are finally commencing our much needed refurbishment works. This week has been busy with organising contractors and staging the works to take place in the right order. We should start to see some activity in the next couple of weeks and we will keep you updated of the works that are underway and coming up.
30 April 2017 - Lots of action this week:
Things are well underway with our projects this week as we saw the tree removal works in action. There is a bit of cleaning up to do but we are on track to start the next stage.
Parishioners who officially requested a piece of the tree, the wood is now available for pick up this weekend from the stockpile located near the parish centre. Please advise the parish office you have collected your requested piece of the tree. Watch for next week’s update if there are any further pieces available. The wood for the proposed cross that will be replacing the tree has also been reserved. More information on that project will be announced in the coming weeks so look out for these updates.
Refurbishment works ready to start:
We are finally ready to start our much needed update works to our church’s interior and these are planned to start the week commencing 8th May.
Working Bee: 7th May 11:00am Onwards
Thank you for the great response to help at next Sunday’s working bee. 33 parishioners have volunteered for our working bee to prepare and help with the removal of the church’s furnishings on Sunday 7th May. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
More info on the WORKING BEE next week. A Special Request: We need moving equipment such as pallet movers and pallets and trolleys to help move the wooden seating, Altar, Baptism Font and other heavy items. Please contact Alf Norman on 0422310018 or the parish office if you can help with any of these.
A reminder that during our refurbishment works, we will be celebrating our weekday and weekend Masses in our Parish Centre. There will also be an additional mass on Sundays at 5.30pm.
Father Joseph and the Maintenance Team
Roof Repair Works Done.
Repairs to our Church roof was carried out in mid-December 2016 with some of our box gutters being replaced. The roof should now be leak-proof but we will continue to monitor this particularly during any huge downpours to ensure that it remains water-tight. In the meantime we are testing the moisture in the blockwork to see if they are remnants from previous roof leaks or are a consequence of another source. Once satisfied that the moisture in the block work was being caused by the roof leaks, we can then move to the next stage of our planned works for the interior of the church.
There will be regular updates on progress as we gear up this year for our refurbishment works – so stay tuned!
Replacement of Glass Window of Church Lobby
For some time there has been a crack in one of the glass windows of the Church’s front lobby which has needed replacement. We have now sourced a contractor to replace the damaged glass window and the work will also include replacement of all front external glass window panels. Once installed, the new glass panels will be another factor to help reduce the water leaking into the church foyer during heavy rain falls. These glass panels will be replaced in the next few weeks and we will provide an update once it has been completed.
- Vivian Allard